You can take the girl out of the south... but you can't take the south out of the girl!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Fraternity Boys

Warner is such a lucky boy! Not only does he have an adorable girlfriend, Madison, but he also has great guy friends aka his Fraternity Brothers.  We began calling the guys this since they are all dressed so similar everytime that we see them.  In addition, they get along great with one another and really interact well:)  We got together with the guys (moms tagged along) on Wednesday and the fellas had a great time.  Warner and Jackson played and played at Colonial Oaks and then Lawson joined in after a previous engagement (today's kids are very busy)! 

Crusin for chicks!  Where's Madison?

"Who needs toys when I have a shoe?"

"Hey Warner, this is how you really get the girls.  You gotta walk man," said Jackson

Rocking out!

Lawson showing everyone who's the boss!

"Stop, Hammer time!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What a relaxing weekend!  We left Saturday morning (during Warner's nap time) for Dunedin to spend some time with the family.  The day was spent enjoying the beautiful sunshine outside.  Warner enjoyed his baby pool, crawling around and then the big pool with daddy and hot tub (that was luke warm) with Mommy.  When we got home we took these pictures on Easter. This one is for you mom (since I don't dress Warner like this often!)

The bunny rode alone in his walker when Warner turned crabby- and boy was he crabby!  I think he was just tired from all of the action at Gigi and Pappy's!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pudding Pie!

Warner had a playdate on Friday and boy did he have a great time!  There were four babies there all under a year- 3 boys and 1 girl.   All of the babies started out clean and clothed and then it was time to paint with pudding.  Now, this was my idea.  I brought the supplies and chose pudding because I knew that Warner would eat it anyway, so I thought that pudding might be better than paint.  I also thought "I saw Kate do this with 8 kids, so I can do this too!"  It started out inocent enough- with a group picture of the fantastic four babies!  They didn't stay still for long so we had to be quick!

Lawson, Warner, Jackson and Amara

I love Jackson's face here!
 It all started out with the babies exploring the new texture.  They all weren't quite sure what to think of the pudding.  It was a new texture, it was cold and some were more timid than others.

:Lawson just wanted to paint his toes- taking it slowly.

The relatively clean babies at the beginning of the project.

Here's W going in for a taste!

Oh, I think I like this stuff!

...And it feels good on my legs too!

I think I'll put it all over me!

And then the true mess begins

I love pudding!

Yes, I made this mess!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cut Away!

Hard to believe, but I recently took Warner for his second hair cut.  Yes, I said second and he is not even a year yet!  I know all of you southern women are not believing that I would be so cruel since in the south it is bad luck to cut a child's hair before a year.  I say pish posh to that- did you see W before his first haircut?  He had the surfer look going on and I knew it was simply a matter of time before he was mistaken for a girl.  I did not want to have that encounter and it was approaching shaggy again.  His hair was over his ears and I swear it goes from "ok" to "oh my" in a very short time period.  This time W did so much better getting his hair cut.  Not a tear was shed and he looks like one handsome dude!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Favorite Girl!

Warner recently went on a playdate with his favorite girl (other than Mommy) Madison.  Madison and Warner have know each other since they were a few weeks old.  They get along great and now are interacting with one another which is so cute! 
Warner's reaction when I told him that we were going to visit Maddie!
Look at that precious grin on Warner's face.  I bet he is thinking "She is playing hard to get now!"

Warner protecting Maddie from the big bad dog (not really since the dog is behind the gate and super sweet)

Attempting to share the best toy ever- a water bottle with rice in it:)

Look at Maddie's hand!

Partners is crime (notice the hand again!)  Too cute!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hooray for Hippos!

Warner and I went to a new park last week and this is what we found: a hippo!
Warner had a blast and stayed in the hippo the entire time we were there.  He ate his snack in the hippo, drank his water in the hippo and played in the hippo- did I mention that he loved the hippo?  Well he did and I think that Mr. Hippo is his new friend!  Looking forward to seeing you again soon Mr Hippo, just wished that you lived a little closer:)  Until our next encounter, please enjoyt the following pictures of my little guy and his new BFF.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mr Big Stuff

Warner has been pulling up on EVERYTHING lately!  He is on the move constantly and very inquisitive.  I know that walking is right around the corner and I am dreading it in a way.  I mean, once he walks he is a big boy.  I know, I know he still has plenty of milestones to achieve before he is officially grown up.  But, for me walking is where it all begins.  He is already Mr. Independent and he is just crawling.  I know that I should be happy that I do not have a clingy child, but sometimes a hug or snuggle would be just fine with me!  I absolutely LOVE when he crawls to me just to give me lovin' or to go "doe doe" on my lap.  To anyone not from Louisiana, that means "go to sleep" in cajun talk.  Matt makes so much fun of me for saying that, but now he is saying it too!  For the moment I will simply enjoy my little guy's new discoveries and hang on for the ride:)
Pulling up outside

on the deck

Warner's cute little bum pulling up on the tub.  He is going to hate me for taking this picture one day, but I just could not resist!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Morning!

Warner is such a joy (most of the time) to get up in the morning!  He just gives you great smiles and seems generally happy to see you.  It is truly one of the sweetest times of day for him.  He is now standing in his crib when you go into his room and makes all kinds of noises to say "Good Morning"!  I must admit that I also love seeing my boy in pajamas!

The smile that I LOVE!

Look at me!

Caught mid zirbert!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Watermelon Man

We recently gave Warner watermelon for the first time.  Although he did not really like the taste, the pictures turned out great! 

Getting ready to dig in!

Not so sure

going in for the bite


What do I do with this thing?

Maybe it goes on my head?

Taking a break...that was hard work!