The anniversary of September 11th brought up many different thoughts and emotions in my mind. Of course I thought back to where I was on that day and how very different my life was at that time. I remembered the videos of the turmoil that seemed to be happening a world away, but it was not. Everything that I was seeing was in America and that was hard to grasp even as a college student. Something in me changed that day as it did in many Americans. Now as a parent I think about how I am going to explain it to Warner. What will I tell him? As I continued to contemplate this, I came up with a positive spin on it - if that is even possible. I thought of it as a day to remember those who were lost, but also a day to appreciate those who put their lives on the line for perfect strangers each and everyday. I want to teach my son gratitude and to be thankful for brave men and women, even if we do not know them. I want him to appreciate the sacrifices that are made daily for us to be free. I know that he may be a bit young, but I also believe that it is never too young to start teaching life lessons to our children. So Matt and I will continue to say thank you in each and every way that we can. I want Warner to witness us saying thank you to soldiers in the airport and do the same one day!
So Warner and I headed to Publix on the hot September day (a few days after the actual anniversary) to buy ice cream and cones for the firemen that are in the station that we pass on a daily basis. I got Warner out of the car and realized that he was wearing reed, white and blue- how appropriate! We gave the four gallons of ice cream and cones to the fireman and he simply asked, "Have we made a call to your house?" I replied no and said I hope that you are never called to my house-no offense. I explained to him that my family just wanted to say thank you for putting their lives on the line everyday and that their work is appreciated. The fireman was touched and asked if Warner wanted to go inside the engine. Well, of course!
So on a brighter note, here are pictures of Warner in the fire truck. The fireman tried putting the headset on him which was so cute, but W quickly took it off and I was not fast enough to catch it on camera! This is something that we will be doing much more often- saying thank you. I encourage you to do the same in your own way!