You can take the girl out of the south... but you can't take the south out of the girl!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Spirit Like No Other

When I look into the eyes of my little man, a feeling of intense joy fills me and I am so very honored to have been blessed with such a vivacious son.  Now don't get me wrong- there are times when I wish he was a bit more sedate.  When we are in public and he is screaming at the top of his lungs out of pure joy, I might wish that he was a bit quieter or understood the concept of "inside voices".  But when those big blue eyes meet mine and he smiles and laughs, my heart truly melts.  That is my Warner.  He may not be the quietest kid in the crowd, or the one who sits quietly, but he sure is one curious little guy who is always on the move.  I love to see the world through his eyes and share a new experience with him for the first time.  Being Warner's mom has taught me so much that is hard to put into words.  Perhaps the biggest lesson that I have learned is to live in the moment.  I have learned that the laundry and dirty dishes can wait if it means enjoying a new experience with my boy.  Those are the moments that I will forever cherish! 

One such experience occurred recently when we took Warner to the beach.  This was only the second time that he had experienced the beauty of the beach and the majestic tranquility of the ocean.  We took him when he was younger and lets just say that wet clothing + #2 diaper + sand= not a good combination!  So off to the beach we go...and....Warner loved the beach-perhaps a little too much! 

Things started out nicely- playing in the sand.  And then....W discovered the ocean!

 And then it was time to roll in the sand with wet clothes! 

 This is just one of the many examples of what life is like with our little man. Life is crazy sometimes, but we just have to sit back, laugh and enjoy the ride.   I wouldn't have it any other way!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pure Enjoyment

So I know that it has been a while since my last entry and I have no real excuse.  I would love to say that the holidays were a flurry of busy tasks and while it was a busy time, there was still time to blog.  But instead, I chose to live in the present and enjoy every moment with my family.  Matt had some time off around the holidays and it was the best.  We just enjoyed being a family and made lots of new memories together.  There were days that we stayed in all day playing with Warner and there were days when we ventured out to enjoy new experiences as a family.  Whatever we did, we were together and that is what mattered!  It was a completely blissful Christmas vacation!

For Christmas, we went to Matt's parents' house and had a very relaxing time.  We took our time opening presents and watching Warner just enjoy his new things.  I must admit that he was into it a bit, but not totally as I thought that he would be.  I think that it is just a bit much for him at this age and that's fine by me.  It was such a wonderful holiday- one that I will forever cherish!

"This puppy was waiting for me when I arrived to Gigi and Pappy's!"

"I won't tell everyone about your little problem.  It'll be our little secret!"
" Mommy thinks she's Mrs. Claus- not quite!"
"Let me show you how it works momy!"
"See you press this button and ...magic!"

"Enough playing around people- Santa does not like a mess!"

"Ho Ho Ho!  I'm getting in the spirit!  What is that I hear?"
:You stopped me from eating for thi?  What is it?  It better be good because dinner is calling my name!"
"Oh Santa!  How nice of you to visit on your busiest night!"
"Santa brought me presents!  But, he ate all of the cookies-what?"
"Having a tea set does not decrease my manliness- do you hear me?"
"More presents from Santa?  Ok dude, I forgive you for eating the cookies!"
"You are breaking my gift opening concentration!"
"And even more presents with Pappy!"
"Playing tunes in my cool Christmas attire.  I worre a tie for the occasion!"

"This is supposed to teach me animal sounds!"

"Hi Santa!  Thanks for all of my toys!"
"OK wait...You want me to be good for the whole year?  That's a LONG time!"
"I am one happy boy!"